Hardwood Cleaning

Cleaning hardwood floors requires deep dirt extraction because,  without it, dirt, debris, and allergens settle into cracks and crevices.  Sweeping and mopping are important steps to reduce the chance  of debris scratching floors and picking up daily dirt brought in by  foot traffic. Hence, a professional hardwood cleaning expert is key  to keeping dirt off your floors. Our team ensures your hardwood  floor is kept looking shiny, clean, and new. 

Our Hardwood Floor Cleaning Equipment

Our gentle, high-speed scrubber and pH-balanced hardwood  cleaning solution reaches tough dirt and contaminants.  Squeegees trap the dirt, and a powerful vacuum extracts it.

Attention To Detail

Our trained technicians perform detailed hand cleaning for  hard-to-reach areas on your hardwood floors. 

Remove Dirt, Allergens and More

Not only will we leave your hardwood floor cleaner, but we’ll  remove an average of 96% of common household allergens.